[urq] Warm-up regulator questions

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Sat Sep 6 18:42:50 PDT 2008

Comments inserted.

> -----Message d'origine-----from Steve B of the urq list.
> First off, congratulations on the addition to the family!

*** Merci beaucoup. This 2nd girl is making us very happy. No one will mess
with my stock of old car parts, or my toolbox. In which I added a tailpipe
expander (2 1/8th to 3 1/4th) from Walker no later than last week. Who was
saying that a guy can't have too much tools ?
> I don't remember if it was the Fox or the urq, but yes, I have taken a
> Control Pressure Regulator apart and reassembled it successfully.  They
> aren't really that complicated inside ... I'd recommend holding off on
> buying a replacement until you know for a fact that yours is unrepairable.

*** I don't have a 500$ bill under the hand right now, so I'll follow your
suggestion. A new baby is a good investment, if you know what I mean.
> Before taking anything apart though, get a fuel pressure gauge and verify
> the control/system pressures are within the proper range based on
> temperature.  IMO the fact that you have tried two different ones and get
> similar results does tend to indicate that the CPR is working ...

*** I indeed have a set of fuel pressure gauges here, I just wait for
Geraint or Brady to stop by and turn the key while I check the dials. They
are invisible since a while... Maybe I should replenish my stock of 12 years
old Scotch ?
> Based on your description I would wonder if the Auxiliary Air Valve is
> stuck
> closed.  

*** I have 3 of these here, and they are behaving exactly the same. When put
in the freezer, they let a lot of air through their body. When the heating
element is hot enough, air passage is mostly restricted, but there is still
some "breathing" possible. Is this a correct behaviour ? Should they be
perfectly shut when hot? This part is way less expensive, around 85$. 


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