I am really tired of this

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 04:35:39 PDT 2008

One other thing I forgot to follow, was the ECU changed/checked? I
dealt with one that was very troublesome, don't recall if it was
intermittent or not. However, it turned out to be an ECU full of
water. Didn't find that our till pulling out of the car (and pulling
out my hair for days).

That car also had a bad MAF, we put a known good used one in. It
didn't completely solve the problem, as we hadn't found the water in
ECU problem yet. But, it was definately bad, and the car did run
better with the new one.BTW, the new one was from an S6 20V, and
worked perfect.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Jean-François Roldan
<roldan_jf at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your replies.
> The MAF is a pretty expensive part to get I think, especially if it is not sure what kind of impact it will have.
> I let the car sit overnight after what happen yesterday and tried it this afternoon. Started fine, ran on idle for a few seconds and then started to be unstable, I gave it some gas, RPM boucing again, not able to reach 4000 RPM or to get the engine to wind up properly, and then if I gave it some gas, it started backfiring (for the first time).  The new thing about this is that it happen when the car was cold, a few seconds after startup...
> JF
> 91 200 tqa

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