Idleing and start problems - 200 1B (David Michael)

David Giannandrea david.giannandrea at
Tue Sep 23 23:29:28 PDT 2008

> From: Per Lindgren per.lindgren at
> First of all, it has problems holding an idle, it will bog down and die.
> I feather the throttle for a good minute or so, it will eventually hold an
> idle around 800 rpms. When I let off the throttle to change gears, or stop
> at a crossing, it will also bog right down and die. I've checked the ISV,
> and it appears to be ok.

This was the symptoms I had with a bad MAF

> Second problem, and it's probably related to the first problem. When the
> engine dies, and I try to start it with the key, it will not start, it
> a tiny stumble, but then I can crank and crank till no end. I have to let
> sit for at least 2-3 minutes. After a few minutes, it will start like
> nothing ever happened. If I however let the clutch out when the car is
> rolling, it also starts without a problem, but not when I crank it with
> key.

Could again be the MAF's hot-wire sensor

> Third, I've noticed that it runs a bit rough at a steady 2000 rpms. I've
> yet to check the ignition system, but I'm going to replace plugs, rotor
> cap, just to be on the safe side.

Rotor and cap?!! Does this car even have a MAF?

1993 S4

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