fool crunch

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Sep 29 17:11:51 PDT 2008

On Sep 29, 2008, at 2:50 PM, cobram at wrote:

> Since this was in reference to motorcycle riders on the list,  the
> perceived safety aspect is kind of a moot point.  From a strictly real
> world anecdotal point of view, I intimately know that when an Audi  
> V8Q is
> struck at high speed by a modern techno-safety high end Rice burner,  
> the
> veteran V8Q has the definite advantage.

What year "modern" japanese car?  Prior to about 2000-2002 or so, they  
had so-so safety.  Afterwards, top marks.

Go check out the Insurance Institute ratings and NHSTA crash tests, if  
you don't believe me.


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