Ignition switch

Peter Orban orbanp1 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 4 05:01:35 PDT 2009

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all the responses! 
I also checked the FA, indeed that is the switch on Audi cars I looked up.

A bit more detailed description of the symptoms.
The car is in pristine condition, never winter driven, less than 20K Km on it. 
I have not looked at the starter wiring, but I think there is no chance of corroded wires.
When turning on the ignition, the cluster always lights up. When trying to engage the starter that is what is not happening always.
I do not think it is the clutch lockout, if I try starting again, without releasing and pressing the clutch again, the car usually starts.
When the starter does not engage there is no click from the solenoid, just like as if the solenoid wiring were dead.
Last year once when it did not start, there was a click from the starter solenoid, that is why I will check the battery. Unfortunately on this car (B5.5) one can not just simply disconnect the battery, one would need to run the throttle adaptation algorithm upon reconnecting it, or provide backup power. I do not have VAG-COM or similar yet. VW, in their infinite wisdom, left out the backdoor initiation of the throttle adaptation routine from the ECU code. 
This acting up of car starting reared up it head about four years ago first, may be once a season. Now it happens about half of the times when starting the car.

Just curious, is the failure mode of the ignition switch for the others the same as for me?

Thanks, Peter

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