iPod interface

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Sat Apr 4 11:25:29 PDT 2009

Concert I or II? Tape or cd?


I have a ~2003 Blaupunkt CD head unit in the golf, that was kindly  
donated by Brady. I butchered an old stereo extension lead (or old  
pair of headphones (can't really remember)) and added some small crimp  
on spade connectors to one end, then individually insulated the spades  
with some heatshrink because I was feeling posh. I connected the  
spades to the audio part of the CD changer connector bus on the back  
of the head unit. It works perfik and set me back about $1. Control is  
on the iPod of course.

I kind of assume that if you have several gigs of music on an iPod,  
you can probably do without the extra audio capcity of a 6 disk cd  
changer in the boot, so bypass it, rip the unit out and use the extra  
space for varying more tools.

I have hard shocks and solid engine mounts so no CD changer, as that  
would be a bit pointless because of the vibrations (not the Beach Boys  
type). So I didn't try the source switching relay thing suggested in  
the guide that you are plannning to wiki-ise.

Previously I used one of those cassette line in adaptor things that  
worked nicely on an old kenwood tape deck. Since I gave up listening  
to cassettes ages ago and either mp3ed my tapes or dowloaded copies, I  
left the tape permanently in the deck and fed the wire out of the back  
of  the head unit and behind the dash to where I wanted it.

I know that Louis Alain soldered the tails of a chopped stereo  
extension lead directly onto the tape head wires in his Saab and got a  
switch into the installation somewhere. All he needs now is an  

Balupunkt also do thier own iPod interface that plugs into the cd  
changer bus on the back of the deck

Best buy were selling a Sony head unit with inegrated iPod control for  
about $140CAD last month.

Anyway, some options for you

Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone

On 4-Apr-09, at 0:04, Cody Forbes <cody at 5000tq.com> wrote:

> On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:37 PM, Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net>  
> wrote:
>> John Cody Forbes wrote:
>>> So I'd love to interface my iPod with the Concert radio in the now
>>> functional A8q.
>>> I saw in the archives a marketplace ad that had a mention of a
>> home made
>>> interface that used the CD changer audio lines.
>> I think this is what you want, but the page isn't responding for me.
>> <http://www.audipages.com/Tech_Articles/electrical_equipment/ipodinstall.html
>> - Kent
> Aha! Using googles cached version of that page I see that my thought
> about the cd changer sending audio signals is correct. Perfect,
> question answered exactly as I wanted and I even get a referance guide
> out of it too.
> Thanks a ton Kent! Now that I got my desktop pc running again I'll
> have to add something to the wiki about that.
> -Cody
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