battery drain

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at
Mon Apr 6 13:38:53 PDT 2009


What cost is a cheap fluke?  I paid 6.77 for a digi meter.  I really use it
mostly for continuity and/or ballpark measurements... when my Dad finally
acquiesces I will take the reigns of his fluke from his days as a
maintenance electrician at GM.   Strangely enough, as a EE I have had zero
use for a Multi-Meter.  The only MM I use is hooked to my IC.  Just
curious...i think most meters of use are 200 bux.  Then again, I am from
class of 96 which is way close to last time I priced flukes.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Grant Lenahan
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 4:28 PM
To: Mark R
Cc: quattro
Subject: Re: battery drain

I admit I love my fluke. Even a cheap fluke will last you 2 decades.

Mark R wrote:

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