MORE Abuse. Re: [Marketplace] Parts: Audi 100/A6/S4/S6 wood trim

Brett Dikeman brett.dikeman at
Tue Apr 7 09:44:51 PDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
> Would it be possible to allow simple text formatting on there? Line breaks
> would be a beautiful thing to help those posting multiple parts.

Why, that sounds like a great suggestion to put on the wiki :)

Just kidding...I know you're in bed on the iPhone with dead computers-
I'll add it for you.  The tricky part is allowing HTML without
allowing naughty HTML, like things that load iframes and
javascript...but maybe we can use an existing markup like
textile/bbcode by dropping in some existing modules that are already
out there.  Good suggestion! beat me to the punch on the wiki :)


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