(LAC) Oil overfill tolerance on a 2.8 liter 24 V in a Passat GLX

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Mon Apr 13 06:12:30 PDT 2009

When I have goofed, i have just cracked the oil plug slightly and  
drained into a tin can.

Careful, and never when hot :-)

On Apr 13, 2009, at 8:52 AM, LL - NY wrote:

> The 2.8 hatch area is 1/2 qt!!!! If (going by the visual) that is  
> the case, then it's only 1/4 qt above (I was going on the  
> assumption that the hatched area is 1 full qt.). In this case, the  
> oil is up partway into the plastic above the fill mark.
> And, thanks for the replies guys. The problem with pulling the oil  
> from the car is that my fluid extractor is at my home, 200 miles  
> from here. And we will have to take Mom's car (it's the only one  
> she's comfortable in with her back problems) on a 300 mile trip to  
> a memorial service next weekend. So, it's all of 1/4 qt off, I'm  
> not worried about it, but if it's a half, as Mark suggested I'd  
> want it removed. We'll see what the stealer says, I think it's  
> their responsibility.
> LL - NY
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Grant Lenahan  
> <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:
> I dont know how tolerant it is, but keep in mind that the  
> difference between top and bottom of hatched area on a 2.8 is less  
> than 1/2 qt.  SO it would have to be off the chart to be + 1/2 qt.
> Grant
> On Apr 12, 2009, at 11:45 PM, LL - NY wrote:
>> In checking out my Mom's car over the weekend, I have found her car's
>> crankcase overfilled (by the
>> dealer, no less) by around 1/2 quart. Anyone have any idea if that  
>> is in
>> acceptable tolerance for
>> being overfilled. 2.8 liter 24 V, Tip, 4-motion, just in case  
>> there are
>> other oil pan configs.
>> And, more credit to the stealer. All of her tires were at 37 psig  
>> (spec
>> 30F/28R). Which means the tech
>> can at least read a gauge.
>> Audi content, the dealer also services Audi's.
>> LL - NY
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> Grant Lenahan
> glenahan at vfemail.net
> (201) 602-4702 mobile

Grant Lenahan
glenahan at vfemail.net
(201) 602-4702 mobile

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