A6 rear differential fluid change

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 12:28:40 PDT 2009

Try using a propane torch to heat the area around the plug, it will take
quite a while (say 3-4 min) to build heat.  I've used this on various stuck
fasteners and it has worked like a charm.  The thermal expansion does
wonders for breaking loose threads.  Don't be afraid to let things cool,
apply more penetrating oil and heat it again.. it will smoke a bit though!

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Kunz, Bob
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:48 AM
To: Quattro List
Subject: A6 rear differential fluid change

Need your collective wisdom, BTDT type of stuff.

Patient is a '99 A6 Avant new to the household (120K miles). Wanted to
change out or at least check level of the rear fluid but the fill plug is
really solidly stuck in there. I tried perhaps 200 ft-lbs of torque with
simple ratchets and no movement. Soaking in liquid wrench for a few hours
and still no movement.

I was going to take the brute force method and apply an impact wrench to it
but then thought that might crack the case and I certainly don't want to do
that. Any other thoughts to get the fill plug out? Or have others applied an
impact wrench with success?


'86 5Ks Avant
'99 A6 Avant
'02 TTQR
'07 Q7 4.2P
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