A8 Trans

Wally Choate wallychoate at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 20 16:13:51 PDT 2009

My 1997 A8 with 116,000 miles has been producing the VAG code "17114 - Gear Ratio Monitoring: Incorrect Gear Ratio P0730 - 35 - 00 - - - Intermittent" for a few months and sometimes goes into "17125 - Torque Converter Clutch: Stuck OFF / No Power being transferred P0741 - 35-0.  Turning the ignition off and on resets the clutch and I have reset the Gear Ratio fault several times with the VAG.
I changed the trans fluid at 86,000 miles in 2002 when I bought the car.
Should I replace the RPM sensor module, put in a rebuilt transmission, start over with another 5 year old A8, or another idea from a lister?

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