lean at idle

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 13:10:23 PDT 2009

It will eventually recover at idle and read normal...then it will drop off
(like it stumbles a bit) and will read lean...then bump back into green
again. Pondering a couple of items including the WOT (have to test it
mayhaps tonite) and have a fuel filter to change (although not sure this
will be the case).  I'm missing a whole lot of go considering I have a big
spring and the GTQ chip now...when I first put the chip in the car felt much
faster..now after going to NGK BPR7ES plugs any missing is gone but power is
down a lot. Oh the joy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell [mailto:one at humanspeakers.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 4:08 PM
To: Brett Dikeman
Cc: Hayes Myers; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: lean at idle

>> What would cause a lean condition at idle?  Under power everything reads
>> fine.let off the gas and itleans right out.
> CIS cuts off fuel during coast-down.  I think it is triggered by the
> idle switch.
> This applies to at least the MC in the 5kCST; dunno about the MC2.

I think it does, yes.  But it should go into closed loop once the plate 
drops all the way (or stops dropping...).  Does the MC2 have a 
potentiometer on the airbox?

Huw Powell



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