No subject
Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009
just by-pass the switch however you see fit.
-Cody Forbes
> Regarding the headphone jacks. The headphone switch is a very very very
> common failure point.
> How would I correct this problem? I just may have a problem there.
> My 1986 type 44 has a turbo charger and has 4 speakers as seen in the
> Haynes
> Manual.
> Max
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cody at [mailto:cody at]
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 13:38
> To: LL - NY
> Cc: Max Hoepli; Quattro List; MarkRosenkrantz
> Subject: Re: type 44 speaker impedance?
> The rear speaker amp is optional on t44's from and including '86.
> There were two radio options, a 4 speaker version and the 10 speaker
> (Bose?) version. If your car has speakers in the doors then it has (or
> at least had from the factory) the amp. From what I can tell with my
> ownership experiance (I think I'm up to having owned 10 '86-'87
> 5000's, currently 3 including a Canadian model) the TQ's seem to all
> have the 10 speaker system and the non-turbo's tend to have the 4
> speaker system. With a 4 speaker system an aftermarker radio will work
> all of the speakers without issue. With the 10 speaker system the best
> way to get working rear speakers is to change them to aftermarket
> speakers and bypass the amp wiring.
> All versions have the headphone adaptor on the rear deck which turns
> off the speakers and diverts the signal to the headphone jacks. The
> headphone switch is a very very very common failure point. The
> contacts get dirty and fail to pass the audio signal _anywhere_.
> -Cody
> Quoting LL - NY <larrycleung at>:
>> What year is your type 44? On the early ones with the power masts, I'm
>> really wondering if there even IS an amp to begin with. Can't help you
> with
>> documentation, as the only ones I have are for the '89 and later 200's.
>> LL - NY
>> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Max Hoepli <mhoepli at> wrote:
>>> I followed the antenna wire which separates from retractable antenna
> about
>>> 2
>>> cm below top of rear left fender, proceeds forward and goes just behind
>>> seat
>>> metal panel in trunk, doesn't seem to go upwards to C-pillar.
>>> I'll check other literature.
>>> Max
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett.dikeman at]
>>> Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 19:29
>>> To: Max Hoepli
>>> Cc: Mark Rosenkrantz; Quattro List
>>> Subject: Re: type 44 speaker impedance?
>>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Max Hoepli <mhoepli at> wrote:
>>> > C-pillar just inside the trunk I assume
>>> No- pull the pillar cover.
>>> Should be a long box, directly connected to (among other things) the
>>> rear defroster grid.
>>> All this is in the Bentley, btw...
>>> The box in the trunk under the rear deck is the amplifier for the rear
>>> speakers.
>>> Brett
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