5000TQ Door Latch

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu Dec 10 11:38:35 PST 2009

The inside release uses a different mechanism from the outer door handle.
I've had various problems with door latches, but I've never failed to
rehabilitate them by removal, cleaning, lubrication and reassembly.  I
observe the operation of the balky mechanism to see if there isn't something
that can be crimped or tightened to make the latch operation more positive.

It may be that the lock mechanism may be at least partly responsible.  I'm
skeptical because the lock does not disable the inside release, but it is a
lot easier to test this than to disassemble everything.  Try pulling up on
the lock knob while pulling the inside door release to see if it improves.  

You may be able to remove the door latch without removing the inner panel on
the door, but since it isn't really that difficult to do I'd recommend it.  

If you haven't checked already, now would be a good time to check the wiring
loom in the driver's door hinge for broken wires.

Steve Buchholz

-----Original Message-----

Another of my 87 Audi's cold weather problems has surfaced again with 
this cold snap; the driver's door will not open from the inside whenever 
it is below 10F or so. Works fine from the outside latch, or at warmer 
temps, or after the car has warmed up for a while; so I don't think it 
is the door latch itself per se, but something about the inside latch 

I had planned on digging into the door next time it warms up, and wanted 
to gain any insights folks here have about what might be causing this. 
It seems that when it's cold/not working, the inside door level just 
doesn't move enough to release the main latch. It moves all the way, as 
far as it does when it's warm and works; that just isn't enough to 
release the door latch. Is there an adjustment for taking up some slack 
in the cable or the like? Maybe bending the inside door release 
lever/mechanism a bit? Anyone solved this annoyance?

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