Global Warming

Abe Berman yellowcuda at
Thu Dec 10 19:16:56 PST 2009

Lee, I think that you are in the Boston area with older children and I
certainly respect you as a fellow biker.  That said, I am normally a solid
lurker, but I have to pipe up on this one.  I am a pointy-headed, recycle
happy, earth loving, liberal tree-hugging Vermonter, but I also am a father
first who takes his toddler to day care in the AM no matter what the temp,
and I don't have the luxury of a garage.  Its nice on those super cold (read
below 0 degree) Northern VT mornings to let the heat start to blow so that
my kid's lips don't turn blue...  I don't worry about theft, most folks
can't figure out how to get it in reverse straight off...

With all due respect, for those not this far north, you wouldn't

Returning to lurk mode...

95.5 S6 Avant
05 Passat 4-Motion Variant

68 Barracuda Convertible - sunny days are nice too

mid-70's Bertin - dumpster Fixie conversion
mid-90's Bianchi - cause hey, steel is real
'07 Gary Fisher Tassa - needed nobby tires to ride Leadville and front
suspension is fun
Lee responded to Brendan:

So much for global warming.

I think cars should have an interlock that automatically turns the
car off if the driver's seat is left vacant for more than 30
seconds. Anyone have Ralph Nadar's (or Al Gore's) email address?


Brendan wrote:

> I guess nobody goes out, turns on the car and leaves it running
> for ten minutes while they are inside drinking coffee? Makes it
> 10-times easier to clean off the ice and snow with a snow brush.
> No chipping at all.

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