Help! 95 A6q headlight switch has given up the ghost...

toomanyaudis at toomanyaudis at
Wed Dec 16 16:14:41 PST 2009

I took apart the headlight switch and cleaned all the contact  surfaces.  
Looks like one of the brushes for the headlights got stuck in a  small 
plastic housing and didn't make contact with the copper contacts.  A  little bit 
of sand paper later and there is once again this magical thing known  as an 
electrical circuit.
I put everything back together (watch out for flying springs if you do  
this... digital cameras help in figuring out what goes where... wish I had used 
 one) and the headlights now work, but the turn signals don't. 
Could someone post a pinout diagram or wiring diagram for the headlight and 
 turn switches?  I'd like to see if the problem is in the switch or if I 
did  something to upset the delicate universal turn signal continuum.
Tom W.
Charleston SC
1995 A6q  5-speed (up for interesting offers) 235k
1988 80q (sold, and still going  strong!) 250k+
1991 200q20v towed away in the middle of the night by a VW  diesel pickup 
1985 4kq a freakin' beast of a car! 275k+ and presumably  still going
1987 4k died in a hit and run 250k+
1983 4k Very first Audi 35  to 38 mpg.  Victim of crank key failure 300k+  

In a message dated 12/16/2009 1:00:27 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
tireland72 at writes:

try  turning your hazards on, off - then try headlights again - they are 
tied  throught he haz switch. 


On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 11:00 PM, <_toomanyaudis at aol.com_ 
(mailto:toomanyaudis at >  wrote:

The Headlight Switch on my 95 A6q went out on me while  driving tonight.

Has anybody had success cleaning these, or do I need  a replacement?

What years and models interchange -- I'm going to try  and make it to a 
junk yard tomorrow, and they usually have a few early A4's  but tend to be very 
limited on the 100/A6 cars.

Anyone have an extra  working and cheap replacement?

Anything online to cover this? My  Bentley licenses are trapped in a 
non-working computer and I can't bring the  info up on my new computer.

Charleston  SC
quattro mailing  list

Todd Ireland

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