[urq] 0.15A constant drain on the battery

Louis-Alain Richard larichard at plguide.com
Wed Feb 4 09:11:32 PST 2009

OK thanks, I'll look at it. Time to crouch under the car I guess. It's -15C
today. Brrrr....


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Joshua van Tol [mailto:josh at spiny.com] 
Envoyé : 4 février 2009 12:08
À : Louis-Alain Richard
Cc : 'urq'; 'Audifans '
Objet : Re: [urq] 0.15A constant drain on the battery

On Feb 3, 2009, at 9:16 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> Update in this: I've pulled all the fuses and relays, still 0.13A.  
> I've also
> unplugged all electrical connectors at every sensor/light/device I  
> can get
> access. Still 0.13A. There is some relays for the headlamps/fog/ 
> driving,
> I'll have to check that also. But, I've measured current on a  
> typical Bosch
> relay : 0.18A. So I can rule out a stuck relay, I guess.
> Another potential area is the alternator itself. The voltage  
> regulator died
> last fall, a friend boiled the battery and killed the cut-off  
> switch but
> when I replaced these three, everything was normal. But is there a
> possibility that some other internal part suffered and now cause  
> the draw ?

Yep, a fried diode can surely cause this. If you've got a DC clamp  
meter, simply hook it around the wire to the alternator. Otherwise,  
you'll have to disconnect it and see if the draw goes away.

If it is the alternator or starter, you can probably have it rebuilt  
locally rather than ordering a rebuilt. My local shop is considerably  
cheaper than a bosch rebuilt, uses good quality parts, and does a  
fine job.  My last starter rebuild was $55 vs maybe $200 for a bosch  

> Louis-Alain

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