[urq] Interesting paper on the 4ksq

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 16:22:14 PST 2009

I loved my 84 4KSQ.  Miss it too. It was the most balanced car I owned
(although it could've used more power), and it introduced me to the world of
quattro. Just wish I knew of the list back then, I didn't learn of it until
I replaced the 4KQ with the 200Q.  I hardly would call it M-B build quality
though. Been in them, some from the 60's, some 70's. THEY were built. The
4KQ? More like glorified VW. Still awfully good for the era, but no M-B.
And, yup, it 'twas a rolly polly, but it wasn't a pig at all. Totally
tossable. For the record, mine was tornado red, and stock. Like the file
photo from Audiworld at the top of the article, except when I bought mine,
it had a BBS front valence and the P.O. installed an UrQ's rear muffler.
Vroom, vroom.


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