1995 90CSQ Sport...Water Temp Needle Progessively Higher Over Months

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Thu Feb 12 14:04:36 PST 2009

Is the radiator fan functioning?  If so, is it functioning on both stages?

george.butler2 at verizon.net wrote:
> Hello All,
> I acquired a 95 90CSQ Sport a week ago.  I've ordered the AoA/Bentley 
> DVD...but in the meantime I trolling for BTDT's. The previous owner let 
> it go because of an overheating problem ("water temp needle kept 
> creeping up over time...then one day the engine began to 
> steam...'managed to drive it home...engine never seized...it just 
> constantly over-heats now...mechanic [his] thinks it might be cracked 
> head...but there is no coolant smoke coming out of the 
> exhaust...although...a head gasket had been replaced a few months before 
> the major over-heating episode...'water pump was replaced about 10K 
> miles ago". I have receipts to verify previous work.
> I've already located numerous diagnostic sequences to pursue in 
> isolating the current over-heating problem...but I'd like to see if 
> anyone on the list could provide an "oh yeah...BTDT...'turns out it was 
> the______" .  Thanks in advance for any input.
> Regards,
> George B.
> 84 4ksq
> 88 5ksq

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