Ignition switch replacement - 95 A6Q

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Thu Feb 12 16:40:33 PST 2009

Ignore conflicting opinions. I have done this many, many times.

First, you can probably just nudge the switch back to the "run"  
position from "start" to get back all your electric goodies.

But you do want to replace it - things get worse and sometimes leads  
to no start.

Just remove the IC, then undo two set screws whcih may have red paint/ 
sealant on them. Pull off the electrical portion of the switch from  
the mechanical lock mechanism. CAREFUL not to jamb the leads and thus  
break them or strain the connections whcih can then become intermittent.

Push on new switch.  Re-assemble. Swear at yourself for not marking  
where all the plugs go on the back of the IC.


1-2 hours elapsed.

There are instructions on one of the web sites - maybe 12v.org, maybe  
audiworld, not sure.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 6:12 PM, <beattyr2003 at cox.net> wrote:

> I have gotten conflicting opinions on replacing the ignition switch  
> for a 1995 A6Q.
> The problem is that it sticks partially in and on and you have to  
> press the switch in with your thumb for it to unstick and that the  
> key positions arent working correctly, ie it will start but no  
> headlights, climate control ect ect.
> Does replacing this switch require drilling out the lock mechanism  
> from the steering collum or is it as simple as pulling the dash  
> parts that are over it and around the steering colum and then just  
> unplugging the switch and putting in the new one?  Thats where I am  
> hearing two different stories.
> Thanks for any insight,
> Rob
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at vfemail.net
(201) 602-4702 mobile

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