Camera mount in a Coupe-urQ

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Mon Feb 16 12:01:47 PST 2009

M. Richard,

As Cody says, you'd be better off putting an external mic on the camera and
putting it in the boot or something. That way, position wouldn't be as
critical in terms of having the lens pointing the right way.

I would advise against a front bumper mounting as you are bound to have at
least one session in a snow bank. That fact that you nailed a $300+ camera
to the front bumper of your car then stuffed it into a big pile of frozen
water, might be a touch difficult to explain to the insurance afterwards.  

The camera pointing forwards would either just pick up wind noise or the
raspy exhaust note of the back box of a certain white Golf that you won't be
able to get past!.
But then you might not be planning on going that fast anyway.

Are you sure that you are not being a bit of a tart with your recent
cinematographic ambitions?


PS Since Wales beat the b at 5t@rd english in the 6 nations Rugby on Saturday,
I'm feeling 'chirpy' today / this year.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of John Cody Forbes
Sent: 16 February 2009 11:41
To: Louis-Alain Richard; 'Louis-Alain Richard'; quattro at
Cc: ingo.rautenberg at; urq at
Subject: Re: Camera mount in a Coupe-urQ

Louis-Alain Richard wrote:
> Any tips to attach a camera outside the car towards the rear ? I want
> to hear the sound from the exhaust too (to follow up on a previous
> tread...).

That can be more tricky. At the track I commonly see expensive looking 
mounts that have 3 or 4 suction cup feet on them, but that would be pretty 
hard to make and make reliable. If I were doing it (with access to the 
fabrication equiment here and with TIG/MIG welding ability) I would build a 
bracket that bolts to some existing bolt holes in the trunk (like maybe the 
latch bolts) that is slender enough to close the trunk on, then maybe a 
support leg that bolts somewhere under the bumper. In the front I would do a

simmilar thing using the fender bolts. Could work well if you've got the 
equiment to make it happen...

I'm also thinking that you'd get alot of wind noise with a regular 
camera-mounted microphone. I'm thinking for a nice exhaust note you'd want a

remote mic with one of those fluffy wind gaurds on it.

-Cody Forbes 

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