Euro Lights?

Robert Myers bob at
Wed Jan 7 12:52:02 PST 2009


You have asked two questions.
1.      standard replacement upgrade:  option 1 - eurolights using 
halogen bulbs - not cheap.  Option 2 -  eurolights using HID low 
beams - even less cheap.
2.      low cost:  keep your standard OEM candles.  ;-)

Bob Myers

At 03:10 PM 1/7/2009, Hayes Myers wrote:
>Good Afternoon!  Well, I have a 91 200 TQM 10v (cdn special I guess).
>Looking to update headlights.   (stock ones seem dim to say the least).
>What is the defacto standard replacement that will not cost me too too much
>Hayes Myers, P. Eng
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