A6 4.2L - pros and cons?

jesper moreau jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 10:03:04 PST 2009

some info I gathered

> The sport Q and a few urqs had alum blocks installed from the factory. (and
> rumored some 200's)
> other rumor has it that several sport q's had their engines replaced with
> iron blocks for "Warranty Issues" yet the blocks ended up being used in the
> Rally circuit. James Bufkin has a rally ur-q with an alum block from sport
> quattro number 77 (IIRC) and has been in contact with the owner of sport q
> 77, and yes it has an iron block that was installed under warranty.
> There are no documented instances of any other production 5 cylinder cars
> leaving the factory with an aluminum engine block.
> Many other alum block cars have had their blocks swapped for iron
> replacements with or without owner consent during the warranty period, and
> rumor has it because Audi sport ran out of castings and was needing them.
> european market, WR, WX, WK something like that was the engine codes and
> then there was the carbureted 1.9L WH as well.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:

> That doesn't make sense- Audi built the minimum required 200 Sport Quattros
> for Group B, so there really is no need to homologate the engine.
> The only other cars I know of that used the Sport Quattro block is the A2.
> Taka
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:22 PM, 5ktqm <jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Tony... It wasn't just the sport quattro that received the alum.
>> Block... Euro only urq's and 200's were fitted with aluminum blocks
>> for homoglaten purposes then during service periods were then removed
>> and placed in their Motorsports cars.
>> Sent from my iPhone

Jesper Moreau

'08 A3 DD (38.6 mpg best)
'95.5 URs6 Avant mit go fast gizmos
'92 tornado redish S4 (wifes ride)

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