NAC: worst engine in the world award

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Thu Jan 8 18:22:18 PST 2009

Sorry people. I think that I just sent a couple of blank mails. Still  
trying to get to grips with the iPhone.......

Anyway the Caddy story reminds me of mk2 vauxhall cavaliers and the  
Honda 750VFRs. In the UK many people had the lobes wear off forcing  
them to strip the motor to replace worn out Cadbury Shafts. After all  
they seemed to be made of chocolate


Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone

On 8-Jan-09, at 14:50, "Louis-Alain Richard" <larichard at>  

> -----Message d'origine-----
> i believe that the small block buick v8 has the unofficial title of  
> the
> "worst engine in the world".
> No Dennis and Dave, the absolute worst engine in the world was the  
> 2,5 liter
> GM 4-cylinder. Maybe it was longer lasting than the Vega's or the  
> Buick, but
> it was gutless, thirsty, noisy, trashy and obsolete. An horror. The  
> Ford
> Tempo 2,3 liter was a gem in comparison.
> Louis-Alain
> Who spent its youth at the wheel of these obscure machines...
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