Radio Code

LL - NY larrycleung at
Tue Jan 20 16:50:48 PST 2009

I'm concurring with Wylie here. Perhaps the start-up surged the power to the
radio, blowing the fuse. I believe that there is a fuse in the fusebox for
the radio. And, yes, FA = Family Album.

On 1/20/09, Max Hoepli <mhoepli at> wrote:
>  The radio was never able to be turned on once the battery was given a
> boost and the engine running. When earlier I attempted to crank, the radio
> then showed "CODE". 30 minutes later when battery given a boost there was no
> "CODE" once car was running.
> Max
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* LL - NY [mailto:larrycleung at]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 20, 2009 18:46
> *To:* Max Hoepli
> *Cc:* quattro at; s-car-list at;
> w-t_audifans at
> *Subject:* Re: Radio Code
> FA not available to see the vintage of your radio, but it appears you may
> have somehow inadvertently hit the lock up threshold (what is that, 3
> incorrect codes entered in a row?). What needs to be done to reset again is
> leaving the unit "on" for at least 30 minutes, then off, then on, enter the
> correct code.
> On 1/20/09, *Max Hoepli* <mhoepli at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Had the given a boost for the second time in 3 days, first time the word
> "CODE" appears on radio display and I gave -digit code in, and worked, the
> second time the "CODE" did not appear at all. The light shows normally when
> head lights turned on.
> It is an Audi Radio C 034 300 E
> What is problem?
> Max
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