Oil Consumption
hayes myers
hayesmyers at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 16:55:02 PST 2009
Yes I did verify the consumption. (i had filled it to 'full' line on
dipstick or just shy of 'full' and then it dropped down to 'min' level after
week. Spoke with gent at local shop who thinks possible to be turbo failure
leaking into intercooler (hence oil loss). THis sounds plausible to me as
well... was going to crack the lower intercooler hose and see what's what.
kinda scary stuff right now...the unknown that is :)
we'll figure her out one way or the other!
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 7:45 PM, Mark J. Besso
<mbspeed at maxboostracing.com>wrote:
> Hayes,
> Excuse me for posing the obvious question, but did you verify the
> replacement dipstick was exactly the same length as the original? If the
> length is slightly different that could account for your sudden [perceived]
> consumption.
> ~Mark
> Hayes Myers wrote:
> Have noticed use of 1 litre of oil in 7 days (~450km driving). Only change
> was the dipstick (new one put in) and a new thermostat. T-stat works fine,
> dipstick seals amazing. Not seeing any oil leaks / spots etc. From reading
> it could be potentially the oil filter or oil weight? Ie: 5/30 might not be
> great oil.
> Oil pressure reads ~5 at startup and drops to 2.4 on hwy, 1.8 in town.
> Mechanic noticed rear main seal minor leak at safety. Any noise associated
> with this leak has since disappeared. Perhaps total failure of the seal?
> Really seems like a lot of oil loss. and had not noticed this until quite
> recently.
> I'm going to hit jack her up tomorrow and take a better look from
> underneath.
> Thanks in advance !
> Hayes
> 91 200 TQM 10v
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