Audi 200 mc2 residual fuel pressure

Dag Bøsterud dag.boesterud at
Mon Jul 6 16:12:58 PDT 2009

Better than spesifications, if I remember correctly...

1990 Audi 100 Turbo Quattro Sport Exklusiv

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geraint Lloyd" <geraintlloyd_qc at>
To: "quattro list" <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Audi 200 mc2 residual fuel pressure

> Guys, still issues starting the car!
> It's ok in the day but it's a bit hard in the morning.
> I have fixed a nubmer of things and checked more! Including stuck
> carbon canister valve, misc air leaks
> Residual fuel pressure is 3.2 bar after 20 mins, 2.8 bar after an hour
> and 1.4 the next morning. Is this normal?
> Csv is not leaking
> Check valve swapped and no change
> Injectors are 2 years old with 29k miles ish
> No puddles of fuel under the car
> New fuel filter
> Runs rough with the dipstick out
> Duty cycle at 40%
> Everything clicks and buzzes durin the output tests
> During the day it fires after 2 or 3 cranks then tries to die for a
> couple of seconds then is fine
> Any ideas
> Geraint
> Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone
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