iridium plugs?

Robert Myers bob at
Sat Jul 18 15:04:40 PDT 2009

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They seem to be working pretty well in my high boost AAN 
engine.  Been there for a while (2-3 years) with no problems 
whatsoever.  Plug related problems anyway.  But - I had pretty good 
results with the F5DPOR plugs as well.


At 05:56 PM 7/18/2009, donald grady wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>i've had iridiums in my cgt for 3 years now with no power loss or 
>any signs of wear. they made a noticable power and fuel mileage 
>difference but when i put them in my s10 4.3, they seemed to make no 
>difference at all. i think the gains depend on the motor.
> > Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 12:18:49 -0400
> > Subject: iridium plugs?
> > From: brett.dikeman at
> > To: quattro at
> >
> > So, the VR needs new plugs, most likely. The stealer wants $60 for 5;
> > that's F5DPOR territory, and they're supposed to be $30/set.
> >
> > I've heard just about everything under the sun regarding Iridium
> > plugs- that they're great (20HP! *eyeroll*), melt, break, foul more
> > easily, etc... but I seem to recall reading once here on Audifans that
> > people were running iridium plugs and having them last longer than the
> > F5DPOR's. This would be nice, as you have to remove two awkward hose
> > clamps, slew of bolts, and all the coilpacks to get to the plugs on
> > this car. The car also is also running 17+PSI.
> >
> > Brett
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