avant roof rails + mont blanc

Danton J.A. Cardoso djacardoso at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 06:47:01 PDT 2009

Nothing beats Thule for its fit and warranty.  I have two Peloton
trays, and two wheel-ons as well as a fairing on my A4 Avant.  Great
fit, rigid, and holds the bikes well.  If I ever move to a place where
skiing takes place, the ski rack is next.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:16 AM, Snoopy<snoopy at noway.lt> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers. I don't think that 200's fast pace influences it's
> rail thickness though :)
> Anyway, yesterday I managed to test Mont Blanc RF20 system, and it clamps
> quite good. The catalogue suggested this system and the cheaper 2520 model,
> which is the same I had problems with.
> Geraint Lloyd wrote:
>> I have Thule bars that clamp onto the rails on the 89 200 avant. Im not
>> sure if they are the same rails or not since the 200 is soooooo much
>> faster with all that extra power! The thule bars are adjustable for rail
>> thickness and are on the smallest setting, but clamp on hard amd there
>> is at least one lister who will confirm that ive hax a s61tload of stuff
>> up there with no problems.
>> Geraint
>> Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone
>> On 2009-07-23, at 12:45, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at vfemail.net> wrote:
>>> I can't speak for your C3(?). But on my C5 avant, i have the thule
>>> system, whcih has rubber/aramid "feet" that attach to the metal roof
>>> rails, never touching the painted roof.
>>> I like it. I can carry all kind sof stuff.
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Danton J.A. Cardoso

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