Air Loss in Tires

Andrew Duane aduane at
Fri Jul 24 13:07:48 PDT 2009

Tire sealant is almost always a bad idea.

One of three things is happening: a bad bead seal, a bad valve stem seal, or a small crack in the rim. You should find out which at a good tire/wheel shop. Since dismounting and cleaning the tire helped, a bad bead is likely. More cleaning of the rim seat will help. If the rims are old and have had lots of tires, some of the rubber can get pretty stuck on there. A wire brush will be needed.

If it's a small crack in the rim (I had one of those), sometimes it can be fixed by a wheel shop. If not, replacement is the only option.

Max Hoepli wrote:
> Hi all,
> The alloy rims are the cause of air loss with 2 year old tires, they
> have been taken off and cleaned, tire valve hole cleaned. This
> helped. The problem has occurred again after 1 year.
> Could one pump that fix-it pump sealant in the tire to stop the slow
> leaking of air?
> This large can with clear tube is for fixing flats in an emergency.
> States on can contents have acrylic.
> Max
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