Re. pics of 90q tranny and slave cylinder - removal

Steve Meyer quattroslm at
Tue Jul 28 19:46:55 PDT 2009

Thanks for the encouragement! :) Luckily(for me), my mechanic/friend (who works on my Audi's out of his good will, he really would rather play with his 1960s Pontiacs!) will be doing it. I'm not the most mechanically inclined and I don't have the time anymore to spend three days crawling around trying to figure it out. I had to come to the realization that I'm not that guy. I've never been too good at it, but with kids and a house to redo and two restaurants to run...I had to throw in the towel on my old Audis! My 4kq was given to my another friend, who has already gotten through 75% of the issues it had and it's only been his for a week! The advantage is that he lives overseas most of the year, so if I really miss it, I can still get it out of storage!


--- On Tue, 7/28/09, john at <john at> wrote:

> From: john at <john at>
> Subject: Re: Re: Re. pics of 90q tranny and slave cylinder - removal
> To: "Steve Meyer" <quattroslm at>
> Cc: "mike" <mikemk40 at>, audi at, quattro at
> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 2:39 PM
> Steve Meyer wrote:
> > Yeah, the new slave has the bolt set up and not the
> pin. So, hopefully this will be a little easier than the pin
> set up.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > slm
> > 
> >   
> I've probably done a couple of dozen Audi slave cylinders
> over the years, and I find the version with the bolt to be
> FAR more difficult, as holding it in place under pressure to
> get the bolt started can be very awkward and
> difficult.  John


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