'84 CGT / '84 Scirocco Interchange?

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Mon Jun 1 06:11:29 PDT 2009

I agree with Huw that the handbrake mechanism on the Sirocco callipers is a
bit problematic over time.
I had the same issue with the handbrake mech on the 87 Golf 2 GTI seizing
regularly, so swapped the rear callipers for a pair of aluminium ones off a
98 Seat Ibiza Cupra in 2004.
The handbrake mechanism is a lot better and now that the car is driven all
year round in Montreal, i have had no issues with the callipers and only one
seizure due to ice in the cable sleeve. That's way fewer issues with
handbrakes than a certain bearded individual with a red 83 URQ, using the
original (rebuilt several times though) cast iron callipers. 

IIRC the aluminium callipers were on most 98(ISH) Audis and VWs and use the
same mounting brackets as the golf (so sirocco, corrado etc) so they should
go straight on leaving you with the same engineering issues regarding cables
that you had anyway. The Alloy callipers are also going to be a LOT


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of Huw Powell
Sent: 31 May 2009 23:38
To: pdooley
Cc: quattro at audifans.com; 'Tony Hoffman'
Subject: Re: '84 CGT / '84 Scirocco Interchange?

I "upgraded" my 82 coupe to larger discs, which were 16v Scirocco parts. 
  4 x 100, but the same disc as the later cgt/4kq.  So I suspect that 
the rear disc Scirocco thing would work.

But why on earth would anyone consider moving to VAG rear discs, with 
their crappy e-brakes that die in a year, an upgrade?  Rebuild the drums 
and they work great.  It ain't exactly like you've got 300 hp to "slow 
down" after dashing towards a yellow light...

>> Long shot here. Anyone ever taken an '84 Scirocco rear drum to disk
> conversion kit and done an '84 drum to disk conversion??
>> Complications? Compatibilities? New Master cylinder? etc.
>> Any help very very appreciated.

Huw Powell


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