Brake Rotors-

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Fri Jun 5 14:07:59 PDT 2009

I've also scuffed up rotors that pulsated with a cheap, harbor  
freight, rough sanding pad.

Great results.

On Jun 5, 2009, at 2:13 PM, omar millmech wrote:

> While practicing for the art of being poor & getting away with it,  
> had access to a bead blaster.  The 4kq that I bought had been  
> sitting in Ohio for a while, all rotors were rusty & brakes were  
> very lumpy.  Looking at these rusty & lumpy things, thinking about  
> bags of $$$ flying away, I thought of the bead blaster.
> It took an amount of time, but they came out quite well & brakes  
> were very smooth.
> It took an outlay of $0.  I didn't own the bead blaster or buy the  
> beads.
> It's non-destructive & removes almost no good metal, so the rotors  
> aren't really thinner, not counting the rust build-up.
> It looks like there would be access in the UFO rotors to blast the  
> inside surface.  Just a suggestion.
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at
(201) 602-4702 mobile

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