back-up switch wiring diagram

Robert Rossato rossato.qlist at
Sun Jun 7 17:20:18 PDT 2009

> Questions:
> Is 318 a connection box on another wiring diagram page?
> Is x1 also a pointer to a link on another page?

The 318 is the number of the track where that wire continues.  You'll
see the track numbers in the greyed area at the bottom of the schematic.
If you go to track # 318 in the wiring diagram you'll find another box
with the number 416.  This is the track where you just came from,
completing the connection.

The "X1" going off to the left means that wire comes from the previous
page of the wiring diagram (just like the "U3" lower down in the
schematic).  Go to the previous page and you'll see a wire on the right
of the schematic with and "X1" at the end.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at 
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Kent McLean
> Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 3:53 PM
> To: V8-list; quattro
> Subject: back-up switch wiring diagram
> I'm trying to decipher the Greek (sorry, Pantelos) that is 
> the Bentley V8 wiring
> diagram.
> Back-up light switch, p. 45: 
t_switch.jpg >
> Back-up light relay, p. 47: 
t_relay.jpg >
> P. 45 nicely shows the back-up light switch. I can see a 
> brown wire goes
> to ground (Note 102, in the transmission harness) and a 
> brown/black wire
> goes to the Automatic Transmission Control Unit (ATCU). My 
> guess is that
> the ground follows the other wire up to the ATCU.
> P. 47 confuses me.  I can see the wiring from ground to the 
> lights, then to
> the relay (black/violet).  From the relay, a black/blue wire 
> goes to box "318",
> and a blue/red wire heads for the ATCU before veering left to 
> (no-box) "x1".
> Questions:
> Is 318 a connection box on another wiring diagram page?
> Is x1 also a pointer to a link on another page?
> I would expect those wires to end in the ATCU, so the back-up 
> light switch
> can power the back-up light relay. I can power to the relay 
> from a blue wire
> in the ATCU and cause the back-up lights to come on.
> All I need to do is connect the back-up light switch to the 
> relay wires I
> found in the ATCU. I'd like to find wires in the existing 
> harness, rather
> than cobble something together. (And I still haven't found 
> the switch on
> the transmission; I'll have to jack it up to feel for it.)
> -- 
> Kent McLean
> 1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
> 1991 200 TQA #3, with mods
> 1990 V8 w/5-speed and other mods
> gone: '91 200 TQA x2, '94 100 S Avant, '89 200 TQ "Bad Puppy"
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