Blasted Alarm!

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Tue Jun 23 10:52:40 PDT 2009

> I have an '01 S4a that occasionally feels paranoid.  It trips the alarm
system occasionally for no apparent reason.   It's happened 6 or 8 times
in the last couple months.  I always assumed that someone was screwing
with me, but today I was outside with site of it and it tripped when no
one was around.  Any bright ideas what could be causing this?

BTDT - Not an Audi but a 1999 VAG product with the culprit being a
microswitch at the hood lock.  Now disconnected.
Saia-Burgess (sp?) sells those.  vwvortex has info re: DIY.  Befriend a
jewel-maker to facilitate swappage.
You can scan it for details, too.

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