Letter to Colorado Governor Ritter regarding new vehicle

Rick Rickman rnrickman at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 30 13:41:56 PDT 2009

Our fine gov and company shoved that through the system under the pretense that it will "create 1,000s of jobs in Colorado". Which is a total load of BS. Every politician that voted for it should be voted out next election. I am with you I have 7 cars so the cost for me is an additional $280 a year. They were very quiet about the increase so it received little press. Along with that increase was another one that costs you an additional $25 per month after your license plate grace period expires. The initial proposal did not have a limit so, that car you are restoring would have been real expensive to license. They did put a $150 limit on the fee at the last minute. Just one more way of extracting additional dollars from our pocket. I too was laid off and I am still waiting for all of those jobs that this tax (sorry fee) and the billions of dollars of stimulus money are supposed to create. Just to cover the Audi content I have a 93 90 CS Quattro with 220,000 on the clock.




> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 09:22:04 -0600
> From: "Ed Kellock" <ed.kellock at msn.com>
> Subject: Letter to Colorado Governor Ritter regarding new vehicle
> registration fee structure
> To: "'quattro list'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <BLU109-DAV7B16F1C758127EF11706D83310 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I am writing to express my outrage at the new vehicle registration fees.
> I am an auto enthusiast, the only driver in my household and own 8 cars,
> the newest one being a 1994. The renewal fees on each one has more than
> doubled. This means that I am bearing a disproportionate, inappropriate,
> and unfair burden relevant to the basis on which the fees were increased.
> I can only drive one car at a time and only one car is in use at any given
> time and all are legally registered and insured. All are maintained in
> good working order so emissions are clean, fuel economy is efficient, and
> all safety systems are in order. In addition, I was working from home
> before being laid off so my total annual mileage driven is minimal. This
> just ain't right! Boo HISSSS Governor Ritter! You will absolutely not
> get my vote in the next election.
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> End of quattro Digest, Vol 68, Issue 48
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