Inner CV joint assembly on the axle?

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Tue Mar 3 20:09:57 PST 2009

Sorry for the misleading comment. I checked my own bentley for my 200  
which i now realise also needs a press. I then appologised to Bob and  
forgot to cc the list

Sent from some obscure location by I-Phone

On 3 Mar 2009, at 23:04, "Peter Golledge" <petergolledge at>  

> One clarification... the joint does not "slide off".  It is pressed  
> on and
> takes a reasonable bit of force with a press to remove. :-)  The  
> external 5K
> part of the driveshaft is a right PITA since you have to expand the  
> circlip
> and drive off the CV.  At least with the later (89+) units they  
> switched to
> using a bolt which doubles as a press for removing the external joint.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at 
> ] On
> Behalf Of Geraint Lloyd
> Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 7:44 PM
> To: 'Kunz, Bob'; quattro at
> Subject: RE: Inner CV joint assembly on the axle?
> The inner part of the joint is held on with an expanding C clip in a  
> grove
> on the shaft onthe inboard side of the joint isn't it?
> Take the clip off then the channel bit should just slide off the shaft
> That's what it looks like in the Family Album and there's no  
> "alternative"
> listed.
> As for re assembly of the CV, then it looks like you have the  
> methodology
> from the Bentley.
> That sounds pretty much like what i have done previously with all  
> sorts of
> VWs and audis.
> I'm surprised that the Bentley is that detailed, but then i suppose  
> that i'm
> used to Haynes manuals where "assembly is the reverse of dismantling"
> Which in your case would be "put the bits in a box and shake  
> it............"
> Geraint

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