Anyone has an ignition switch r&r procedure description?

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Fri Mar 6 15:40:21 PST 2009

Tony Hoffman wrote:
> There is, I've done a 100 recently (a 1991, same body as yours).
> However, you really have to feel while you try ot get to them. There
> is a small hole in the magnesium piece for one of them, the other is
> lined up right behind that magnesuim piece. You will understand once
> you get them, it's definately a PITA to find them!

A small mirror, angled at 45 degrees, will let you see where 
the screws are. But the mirror will be in the way, so you'll
have to take the screws out by feel.  If the screws haven't
been out before, a touch of nail polish remove will soften
the paint that covers them.

The electrical portion of the switch is the half towards the 
front of the car. Pull/push it towards the front (away from 
you as you sit in the driver's seat).

Kent McLean
'99 A4, V6 Tiptronic
'91 200 TQA, with mods

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