Surging Issue... at idle and when driving. arghh.

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at
Tue Mar 17 09:26:07 PDT 2009

Was having some cold starting issues (wouldn't hold idle and would stall
sometimes).   Put in replacement ISV and all was well again... been just
over a week since putting isv in .   Just now car started to 'surge'. it
will idle up and down rapidly at the lights... and will surge even
driving... up/down up/down.  WHen you upshift the revs were not dropping
recently (ie: seemed to be 500rpm too high...revs didn't fall off)... now
they actually increase.


Undid the change.


Any thoughts? I'm at work. thinking to leave early to avoid traffic and try
to fix at home. (although I have lots of spare parts in my car right now for
some reason)




Hayes Myers, P.Eng   

91 200 TQM 10v



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