OBD Connector Issue

mkb mkb125 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 23 12:02:29 PDT 2009

>>>>>>From: Mark R <speedracer.mark at gmail.com>
To: john at westcoastgarage.net
Cc: audi at humanspeakers.com; quattro at audifans.com; mkb <mkb125 at yahoo.com>; Tony Hoffman <auditony at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2009 5:55:55 PM
Subject: Re: OBD Connector Issue

Yup.... seconded.  I charge a lot more than the chain stores for sound system work, but I don't take the shortcuts.  Then again, maybe I should.... some of my work is on it's 3rd owner with no issues.  I'd get more work if it broke.  ;-)
I've fixed a number of VAG products because of the harness makers..... often I skip the harness and hard-wire the aftermarket to (what I need of) the factory wiring (especially when doing a full system and running RCAs).

Mark Rosenkrantz

Crikey...should have updated you folks on this thread last week.

I really wanted to pull the radio, but I was having a real hard time pulling the damn thing.  So I figured I'd just drop it off at a local shop that specializes in Audi's and let them deal with it.  Tech was able to diagnose it within an hour.  Loose wire in the OBD connector port.  Got the car through emissions as well.  So it wasn't the radio that was causing the issue in this case.  I still wanna pull that radio!!!

Onto the timing belt, transmission service, plugs and wires, outer CV joints, and.....tie rod ends.  Car goes on jack stands tonight!!!...or tomorrow or sometime this week or whenever I get the urge to start this project.

Thanks to all those who responded.
99 A6 2.8qa
97 A4 1.8tqa


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