website changes

Robert Rossato rossato.qlist at
Mon Mar 23 22:52:31 PDT 2009

Yep.  Get the same thing with IE 6, but don't have a problem with Firefox.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 5:06 AM, John Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
> John Cody Forbes wrote:
>> As for the website, right at the minute I think maybe you saved over
>> the logo graphic as there's a very very distorted picture of what
>> might be an S-car. Wait... you fixed it ;-). Looks good!
> Ok this is driving me nuts. If I manually enter the address and go to the
> website on a fresh IE window the logo graphic is an impossible-to-see car of
> some sort stretched horribly. If I head to any page the logo changes to the
> Audifans logo. At that point if I head back to the home page the graphic is
> correct. Even if, while on the home page viewing the wrong image, I click on
> the image it basically refreshes the page but with the correct logo. Closing
> the window and re-opening brings back the funky logo. I
> tried heading off site then back to see which logo I would get, but all I
> got was a crashed IE. A second attempt left me finding the correct logo. The
> only way to end up with the wrong logo is to open a fresh window and start
> from scratch. Refreshing doesn't help. Shift+Refrest (force reload images)
> doesn't work. The image is not in my cache. When viewing the wrong image if
> I right click and save it the file that I get is the correct logo. The
> address of both images are the same, and pulling up just the image by url
> gives me the correct logo every time no matter how I try to manipulate it.
> Anybody else able to replicate this?
> -Cody
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