After market warranty

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at
Fri May 1 12:22:32 PDT 2009

Diet coke is a staple...along with the Captain from time to time

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Mike Arman
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 4:02 PM
To: quattro at; Robert Myers
Subject: After market warranty

> Robert Myers <bob at>
> Subject: After market warranty
> Hi Y'all,
> Been seeing a lot of TV advertising by US Fidelis for their after 
> market warranty service.  Several questions come to mind:
> Do you have experience with the company?
> Are they reputable and dependable (i.e. do they pay for what they 
> claim to pay for)?
> Is their coverage adequate?  Etc?
> Should I consider a warranty  purchase for Miss Piggy (95.5 urS6) or 
> should I just run away?
> Their quoted price is $2675 for an added 5 years and 100K miles (on 
> top of present 12x K miles - that would get me to May of 2014 and 22x K
> Bob

Google 'em . . . "US Fidelis warranty"

Lots of hits containing the words "class action suit against" and "State of
Missouri vs." and "no 
coverage" and "sucks" and "fraud" and "high pressure tactics" - and that's
just the first 30 hits.

So - no personal experience, and from the looks of it, I don't want any (nor
do you).

I just saved you $2675, you can buy me a cold one ;-) (Diet coke is fine.)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
90 V8Q

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