EFI on a 10 V

McCohens at aol.com McCohens at aol.com
Thu May 7 03:26:58 PDT 2009

Cody you are an expert, I did this one time.  But you also forgot  some 
stuff.  I was trying to make a complete list. The nickel and dime  stuff can 
add up.  That is all I was trying to do.   Also:

Fuel rail - ~$50 for rail stock and AN fittings
    who is going to machine the injector holes?   wanna try that with a 
hand drill?

WB system - not required. I've ran on  narrowband oxygen sensors for years. 
For fine tuning just use the wideband  system at the dyno shop for free.
How much is dyno time?  Add that to the list

Fuse panel?? For  what? Add one inline fuse for the injectors, and use the 
stock ECU fuse for  the new ECU.
    I have the WB, fuel pump, injectors, coil on a  separate panel.  Maybe 
excess, but it made sense at the time

A dozen  relays???? Again one relay will handle the injectors, use the 
fuel  pump relay.
    OK, 3 extra relays

New intercooler plumbing? Now you are in left field. There is simply no  
reason whatsoever for this.
    Sorry, I was thinking motor swap, not a car with  the motor already in

Bottom line we do agree though. If all you want is  250, chip and spring.  
Stick with CIS
Do we agree now?

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