NAC: Ride of Silence tomorrow (Brett Dikeman)

Steve R srosen at
Thu May 21 19:34:13 PDT 2009

Let's not forget motorcycles. They share the road also.

And if you're in the Amish area, don't forget the horse & buggy

----- Original Message -----
From: <tom at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: NAC: Ride of Silence tomorrow (Brett Dikeman)

> Anyone who has ridden a bike has probably gone the wrong way down a one
> way street, or run a stop sign. Or done something else. Like ride on the
> sidewalk (oh, the horror, the horror!)
> OK, maybe I'm the only one.
> But people in vehicles which weigh a LOT and which can crash through
> buildings and go over 100mph also do really stupid things.
> Bikes are fun. Go ride one and remember why you loved them as a kid and
> why they are so cool still: cruiser, mtb or road. . .they're all good,
> simple and cheap to work on and riding them is great for mind, body and
> soul (Lee, chime in here, as you get it for sure)
> The reality is that people do dumb things all the time. Not just in cars,
> not just while riding bikes. But people driving cars kill a lot more
> people than those driving bikes.
> My vote is with Brett on this one, hopefully you've made a full recovery.
> Besides, the avant just got the ski box taken off and the bike racks put
> Fact/Audi content: Did you know you can score used crossbars (yak or
> thule) for cheap and use basic stuff from the hardware store to bolt them
> on? Add a few used bike attachments from Craig's List and you are in
> business! Contact me off list if you need "help" figuring it out.
> When you see a biker, slow down, give 'em some space and go on your merry
> way.
> Tom '95 S6 Avant (about 6 cruisers, 2 mtbs and 1 road bike also in the
> garage and happy to share the road with everyone who loves wheels, four or
> two or even the guy on the unicycle)
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