Re. '90 CQ value

Ben Swann benswann at
Fri Oct 2 09:02:57 PDT 2009

I don't believe KBB, NADA or any of these "bluebooks" are a good indicator of these cars
value.  They simply can't be, since the information collected is based on a very small
sample that likely has data skewed, most likely on the low side.  The books might get
sale value data of a car from Motor Vehicle Admistrations, but how can that information
be correct, when often the reported price is lower, often to save on sales tax.  
IMHO, bluebooks can only give reasonable estimates on high production cars - Honda's,
Toyota's, Chevy's, etc.  These cars are worth what they are due to the potential vintage
or collectable nature, and values should be all over the place from a - "get that POS
out of here or you'll be evicted price" to "I'll drop the price becuase you are another
enthusiast , but no way I'm it for that low after putting in X full years of labor and
$XXk worth of parts".


From: Grant Lenahan [mailto:glenahan at] 
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 9:04 AM
To: Ben Swann
Subject: Re: Re. '90 CQ value

why not check the usual sources - KBB, etc. yea, they are high, but knock off 15% 


On Oct 1, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Ben Swann wrote:

My opinions - only worth a few grains of salt...

Although they can be had for $1500 or less, that indicates poor condition or desperate
seller.  IMO, one that is well-sorted and lower miles with no outstanding work to be
done, just about everything working and good to new tires around  $5k.

If the same car has a 20 valve turbo engine done well, it would be worth more than
double that and 3-4 times or more if the conversion was done well.

Market conditions that prevail, it is worth whatever the seller can get.  Patience for a
buyer who understands you get what you pay for will get the car sold for  what is both
decent for buyer and a good value for seller.  


[Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:56:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jeff Mruss <jeffmruss at>
Subject: '90 CQ
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <474385.51857.qm at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

A friend is selling a 1990 CQ with the following features/specs:127,000 KMStembro cat
back exhaust, H&R lowering springs?Koni adjustable shocks,?ABT 17" rims (brand new tires
- 2009, still have original 15"'), euro headlight conversion(still have originals).New
clutch @ 104KNew battery (this spring)The car is in very nice shape, hasn't been winter
driven (I'm in Canada) and I'm looking at it for a second vehicle. ?What I'd like to
know is what a car like this is worth? ?Also any potential issues to be aware of?
?Online searches have turned up a large price range, so I'm hoping some of you listers
will be able to help me out.
Jeff Mruss]
quattro mailing list

Grant Lenahan
glenahan at
(201) 602-4702 mobile

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