Re. I believe my 20V (7A) is suffering from pinging.

Ben Swann benswann at
Thu Sep 10 07:29:29 PDT 2009


The 7A should not bew pinging when revved and no load - unless you are running something
like diesel fue or real crap gas.  Might be indication of fuel pressure - lack thereof.

There may be something loose that sounds like pinging.  You may want to have assistant
rev. it while you verify noise source.

Does engine run/rev. fine when driving?


[Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:39:18 +1000
From: "rick hayllar" <rhayllar at>
Subject: I believe my 20V (7A) is suffering from pinging.
To: <quattro at>
Message-ID: <C439615A2A0F4728827DCFC54116AB79 at haydougwuyj1i2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Hi Audi Gurus
I believe my 20V (7A) is suffering from pinging.

I can hear it when I rev over about 2500 RPM and when I put my foot down.

I have pulled the codes and I get the all clear 4444.

Can I assume that the knock detector(s) is (are) faulty? From what I have read this is
supposed to be detected as a fault code 2142 or 2144.

I have also read that the computer prevents the engine from being revved if the knock
detectors are faulty. But this does not occur!

Anyone BTDT please?

Rick Hayllar]

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