Ouch! Crash repairs for a 2005 A4 cab

Mark Rosenkrantz speedracer.mark at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 20:36:19 PDT 2009

Best thing would be to turn it into insurance.

The short answer to your question is "it depends."  For example,
mechanically what needs replaced to have aimable lights, a proper hood
alignment (the replacement hood needs to latch), etc.  Any suspension damage
or alteration?  It needs looked at.... not something that can be determined
by pictures, let alone a post on the internet.

I'm actually working on a Boston area vehicle tomorrow and Saturday, but
it's driving here to central NY.   =)

Good luck,
Mark Rosenkrantz

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Wayne Keown <keownwayne at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I had a low speed accident in my A4 cab, where I rear ended an SUV. The
> airbags didn't deploy at that speed, but the rollover bars did. The radiator
> got busted (there was antifreeze on the pavement) and the hood bent up the
> way it should. It's at an Audi collision center now and they are telling me
> that it will take "several thousands" of dollars to repair it. Is there a
> mechanic in the Boston area who can get it running again for less? I'm not
> concerned about aesthetics now, just wanna have my car back to drive!Wayne
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