Coupe Quattro 20V Carbon Fouling Plugs

Ben Swann benswann at
Fri Sep 11 15:29:42 PDT 2009

OK Making sure this got to the intended recipient brettfairbanks at as I
screwed up on the original reply address. 

Basically what you are saying is what I meant sort of - somehow the FPR fails and dumps
too much fuel in.  I can certainly see how a seal in the regulator fails or leaks in
such a way as to dump fuel directly into the head, particularly if the injector seal
allow for fuel to leak by or to pull fuel through the vacuum control port - which  now
as I recall is how I think the failures I mentioned earlier were occurring.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett.dikeman at] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 5:58 PM
To: Ben Swann
Cc: rbanks at; 20v at; quattro at
Subject: Re: Coupe Quattro 20V Carbon Fouling Plugs

> too much fuel pressure at idle.

Possibly....but given:

> I've found fuel puddles in the intake and in the rubber intake boot. sounds like maybe the FPR has completely failed and is leaking fuel into the
manifold via the control port.  I can't think of how else you could get fuel in there.
Certainly not from the injectors, yes?


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