Windshield wipers

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Wed Sep 16 20:42:17 PDT 2009

> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:04:08 -0700
> From: "urq" <urq at>
> You are thinking about the park switch in the wiper motor.  Based on your
> description of symptoms I would recommend you start with the wiper switch
> on
> the column. I believe the thread you reference turned out to be the switch
> on the column as well.  I don't know how difficult it is to R&R the switch
> on a Eurovan, if it is difficult you might want to sit down with a wiring
> diagram and voltmeter to see if there are any other common wiring runs
> based
> on what is working and what is not.  For example, since you find that the
> intermittent mode isn't working you might be able to measure the power to
> the delay module when the switch is set to intermittent.
> Steve Buchholz

Thanks, Steve, that helps.  R&R of the EV switch is easy.  Typical VAG set
up - pull out steering wheel and it's all there.
Mandatory Audi content - I5 under the hood and what looks like the T44 ISV
right on top.

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