Passat starting - ignition switch again?

jlagnese at jlagnese at
Fri Sep 18 05:29:49 PDT 2009

Possibly coulc it be the load reduction relay? As
far as the back-up power, a 9 volt battery hooked
through the lighter usually works.

---- Original message ----

  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 14:56:27 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Peter Orban <orbanp1 at>
  Subject: Re: Passat starting - ignition switch
  To: quattro at
  >Hello Everyone,
  >Thanks for the replies!
  >I did some more measurements today. I did catch
  the car once when it was not starting. Keeping the
  key in the start (cranking) position the voltage
  was 11.43V. I measured this at the cigarette
  lighter, so it was not at the starter.
  >For reference, I also did measure two of my other
  cars that have no problem starting. Four cylinder
  cars though. One of them was 10.3V, the other
  >The Passat has less than 20K Km on it, so it
  should not be a worn starter or corroded wires,
  but anything is possible.
  >To take out the battery and clean the poles on
  this car is tricky, it needs back-up power. It
  would forget the throttle positions. The throttle
  adaptation algorithm can only be initiated by a
  VAG-COM type computer.
  >I will continue to investigate. I will measure
  the specific gravity of the electrolyte in the
  battery. I will also probably instrument bits and
  pieces of the starting circuit, to measure voltage
  directly at the solenoid, and at the starter.
  >Thanks, Peter
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